GRINDIT podcast
We at GRINDIT want to encourage people to keep going, to keep grinding, when life gets hard. Quitting is not an option!
We found 3 episodes of GRINDIT podcast with the tag “beautiful”.
Episode 110: Poser Test: Guitars Need Tuning Part 1
October 29th, 2021 | 24 mins 8 secs
bad, beautiful, guitar, music, tune, tuning
A guitar that is out of tune does not make beautiful music! Is your life in tune with God?
Episode 111: Poser Test: Guitars Need Tuning Part 2
October 29th, 2021 | 31 mins 32 secs
bad, beautiful, guitar, music, tune, tuning
Part two of Guitars need tuning. Are you in tune with God? Are you making beautiful music?
Episode 53: Acts 3 Seize the Opportunity
February 12th, 2021 | 32 mins 50 secs
beautiful, gate, opportunity, seize, temple
God, through Peter, heals the lame man at the temple gate called Beautiful. He seizes the opportunity to preach about Jesus' death, burial, and the resurrection to the huge crowd that had gathered to see what happened.