GRINDIT podcast
We at GRINDIT want to encourage people to keep going, to keep grinding, when life gets hard. Quitting is not an option!
We found 4 episodes of GRINDIT podcast with the tag “lead”.
Episode 427: Colossians 2 Part 4 Continue With Jesus
February 14th, 2025 | 1 hr 1 min
continue, faith, imply, lead, life, live, punishment, remain, spirit, walk
Jesus told his disciples to "remain" in him many times in John 15. Does that not imply another option?
Episode 381: Ephesians 2 Part 3 Careful Who You Follow!
August 12th, 2024 | 31 mins 57 secs
desire, follow, gratify, gratifying, guide, lead, leader, rebel, rebellious
Which leader do you follow? Satan or Jesus?
Episode 195: Hebrews 13 Part 2 People Are Following You!
September 8th, 2022 | 45 mins 21 secs
focus, following, jesus, lead, leader, remember, walk
“Look to Jesus, stick with Jesus, and continue to follow Jesus no matter what comes your way!”
Episode 64: Jeff Palmer Interview
April 8th, 2021 | 55 mins 32 secs
church, jeff, lead, palmer, partnership, pastor, worship
Jeff Palmer is the new lead pastor at Partnership Christian Church in Maryville, TN. He joins the GRINDIT Podcast for an interview so you can get to know a bit about who he is and he share a little of his personal testimony to encourage those who have a similar struggle.