GRINDIT podcast

Episode 106: Poser Test: Jesus and Guitars: Imitators Part 1

October 20th, 2021

Poser Test:
An expensive guitar sounds better than a cheap guitar no doubt, however, a cheap guitar is still a guitar! It can be used by a beginner to learn how to play guitar, but it can also be used by an expert to jam with if it's all he has got. When it comes to Christianity, we all want the real deal; We want Jesus but in reality, He is sitting at the father's right hand in heaven and we won't see him until we die or he returns to call us home.'ll just have to settle for the cheaper version...and that would be you and me. We are all he has to use; We are, or should be, representing Jesus while we are here on this earth. Ephesians 5:1 Be imitators of God... When Paul said that, he wasn't offering a was a command! Can people see Jesus when they look at you? Part two coming soon!