GRINDIT podcast

Episode 121: Luke 7 Part 2 Perfect Timing

December 8th, 2021

God is a God of perfect timing and a great example of this is Jesus arriving in the village called Nain just as a widow was leaving town to bury her only son. Jesus stops the funeral and raises the kid back to life! Luke says, “Great fear swept the crowd…” In my opinion, we have lost our “fear” of God. It is evident just by turning on the news or looking on your social media feed. So much evil taking place everywhere and it seems as if the person who did the evil shows no remorse whatsoever and sometimes even tries to justify their actions. God has the ability to save us or condemn us yet many people don’t even consider God and His will for our lives. Any decision, I repeat, any decision we make should revolve around God and what He would want us to do! What about you? Do you fear God? Are your decisions made around Him or do you just do what you want not really caring about the consequences?