GRINDIT podcast

Episode 120: Luke 7 Part 1 Power With Humility

December 4th, 2021

Luke starts off chapter 7 by introducing his readers to a very powerful man that doesn’t fit the profile of someone who would put their trust in Jesus but that is exactly what happens. Up until this point, the people that have been coming to Jesus have been Jews, poor Jews who were sick, had deformities, or demons. They have heard of his miraculous power and they have come from miles around to find hope. This centurion is a Roman, a Gentile, in fact, he is an officer in the Roman army. He isn’t poor, instead he is rich and powerful. He doesn’t fit the mold of the typical Jesus follower at that time yet he was more of an example of a Jesus follower than the Pharisees and the religious leaders of his day. In fact, after Jesus dealt with this Roman centurion, he said he had never seen faith like this man has in all of Israel! And this man is a Gentile! And this Gentile who had a lot of power also had a lot of humility and compassion because he had a synagogue built for the Jews in his community and paid the bill and he cared for his Jewish slave that was on his death bed. When he heard about Jesus he immediately sent for him to come heal his slave which also shows his faith. What do your friends, your family, your coworkers say about you? Can they tell you have been with Jesus?