GRINDIT podcast

Episode 128: Luke 9 Part 3 Stay Awake Or Miss Out

January 8th, 2022

Jesus takes three of his disciples up on a mountain to pray. This has happened before because Jesus would spend time with the Father in prayer but this time something is different. Jesus begins to pray like before but two men show up and they carry on a conversation about the death and resurrection that Jesus would soon experience. Luke tells us these two guys are Moses and Elijah. Moses represents the law and Elijah represents the prophets both of which Jesus is greater. During this time Jesus turns a brilliant white and Luke said it was glorious to see! But here’s the problem…Peter, James, and John almost missed the whole thing because they were sleeping! Yes! They fell asleep while Jesus was praying and they only woke up to see Moses and Elijah walking away and disappearing into a cloud! You can be the most faithful follower of Jesus but if you are asleep spiritually, you are missing out on the some of the greatest blessings God has for you! Wake Up!!!