GRINDIT podcast

Episode 132: Luke 11 Part 2 Persistence Brings Answers

January 24th, 2022

Jesus, as he does so eloquently, tells the disciples a story to illustrate the power of prayer and what is going on when we do pray. Some guy wasn’t prepared for the guests that will soon be arriving at his house so in a panic he goes to a neighbor’s house while they are all in the bed, knocks on the door, and asks for three loaves of bread and he explains why. The neighbor is reluctant because he was comfortable and wanted to go to sleep but the guy won’t take no for an answer and he keeps on knocking on the door. Realizing he won’t get any sleep unless if he gives this guy the bread, he gets up and gets the bread and gives it to the persistent neighbor. How many times have we prayed for something a time or two and gave up thinking God wasn’t going to answer? Jesus tells his disciples and us, “Be persistent and if you keep on knocking, God will answer!” That is a promise from the mouth of Jesus himself…