GRINDIT podcast

Episode 135: Luke 12 Part 2 Misplaced or Healthy Fear?

February 4th, 2022

Death is coming and there is no way around it. As morbid as it is to think about, it’s still a fact. Once we take our last breath on this earth, we take our first breath in eternity. Where will you spend it? Where your fear is will give you the answer! Jesus said, “Don’t fear someone who can kill your body but fear the One who can send your soul to hell!” Do you fear God? The One who literally has our soul in the palm of His hand? He has the power to send us to hell or welcome us into heaven where he is. You have a choice! We all have fear but some of us have misplaced fear. We fear things that we have no control over for example, look at the news. People watch the news and they become full of fear, anxiety, and they worry about what is going to happen and how will it affect them. Fear can be healthy for example: I fear God because He holds my future in His hands and if I choose to reject Him, then I will spend eternity in hell never to have a second chance but if I choose His Son Jesus and His sacrifice for me, then I get to be with Him in heaven for eternity! Where is your fear?