GRINDIT podcast

Episode 138: Luke 13 Part 1 God Hates Me!

February 16th, 2022

I heard a guy say, "God hates me!" because of something he was dealing with...But is that true? Luke 13 starts out with a tragedy. Some Jews had come to the Temple to offer their sacrifices to God and for some reason, Pilate has them murdered. Jesus takes this opportunity to teach the crowd, and his disciples, that death is imminent and it doesn't happen because we are worse sinners than someone else. He tells them regardless of how death comes, the most important thing is to repent of our sins and live for God. Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death…Death is separation and because of sin we are separated from God and if we die in our sin, then we are given our wage. A wage is something we earn by working and when payday comes, we receive our check. BUT...a gift cost someone else something and they give it to us. God has given us a gift!... the free gift of eternal life through what His Son, Jesus, did for us on the cross and the empty tomb! We can choose our wage or we can choose God’s gift. What is your choice?