GRINDIT podcast

Episode 140: Luke 13 Part 3 The Mustard Seed, Yeast, and a Narrow Door

February 24th, 2022

Jesus gives three parables to the crowd trying to help them visualize what the kingdom of heaven is like. He uses a mustard seed that is a very small seed yet when planted, it grows into a huge tree that birds use to build their nests in. Then he uses yeast. Yeast is a catalyst that makes dough rise. In these two examples it took something that seemed insignificant to many and it became something great and it took someone to work to get it going. In the third example Jesus uses a house with a narrow door. The Master closes the door at some point and locks it leaving people outside the house and they are looking in the windows as they beg for to be let in but it is too late. The Master said he doesn’t know them and they aren’t welcomed in his house and they are turned away forever. We all have a choice to make: to follow Jesus or reject him. What’s your choice?