GRINDIT podcast

Episode 148: Luke 16 Part 1 It's the Little Things

March 26th, 2022

Luke 16 is the third chapter that Jesus is talking with his disciples about the Pharisees. This was all set up in chapter 14 when Jesus was invited to eat a meal at the home of a Pharisee and he sees them jockeying for the highest place of honor at the dinner table. From that moment he tries to teach them and his disciples what the heart of God is really like. Chapter 16 starts with the parable of the shrewd manager. This guy was hired by a rich man to manage all of his stuff but instead he wasted it. He was stealing from the rich man as well as being dishonest to his customers. The rich man realizes what is happening so he tells the manager to get his report ready, which is accountability, and tells him he is about to be fired. The Pharisees did exactly this; they misused the resources God blessed them with. They were supposed to be the examples of God to the people but they were actually the opposite so Jesus tells his disciples to be faithful in the little things as well as be trustworthy. What about us? Are we faithful with resources God has given us to use for His kingdom? Are we trustworthy?