GRINDIT podcast

Episode 150: Luke 17 Part 1 Check Yo’self Before Ya’ Wreck Yo’self

April 3rd, 2022

“Temptations will always come” That’s what Jesus says to start Luke 17 when talking to his disciples. What is temptation and where did is come from? Our goal is to keep our eyes on Jesus and live a life that is pleasing to God. We want to get to heaven when we pass from this temporary life we live into our eternal life. There is someone that will do anything he can to distract us from our goal, he throws things in our path to try and get our attention so our focus will get off of God, and onto something else because if we lose focus, he can work his game and Satan, which means “opposition”, is good at his game! We see it in the Garden of Eden when he got man to lose focus and sin, he got Peter get his focus on the goal when he denied he even knew Jesus, and if we aren’t careful, he will get our attention and we too, will lose focus! And he knows what we like and what will get our attention. Take assessment of your life and make sure you are on track and that you haven’t veered to the right or the left! As the saying goes, “Check yourself, before you wreck yourself”!