GRINDIT podcast

Episode 160: Luke 19 Part 3 Jesus Wept More Than Once!

May 6th, 2022

Jesus may have wept over Lazarus but he also wept for Jerusalem. As he approached Jerusalem riding on a donkey, he wept because they had rejected him, the one who could give them real peace and his heart was broken. Then he announces the destruction that would soon come upon them because they had rejected his peace and we can actually look back in history and see when and how this actually happened! We can see pictures of the destruction of Jerusalem that the Romans brought upon Jerusalem, including the destruction of the Temple and that thing still remains a pile of rubble to this day! Even the priests that carried out the sacrifices rejected Jesus who would soon be the sacrificial Lamb. The religious leaders were plotting his death and by the end of the week, they would have succeeded…or at least they thought!