GRINDIT podcast

Episode 164: Luke 21 Part 1 Two Mites Equals Trust

May 24th, 2022

Jesus and his disciples are going to the Temple on a daily basis to teach. One day they are there and the religious leaders are walking by dropping in a lot of money into the offering plate. The sounds that come ringing forth gets everyone's attention, which is what they were wanting because they loved attention. In fact, the disciples are i awe of what is going on and they marveled at how much the religious leaders were giving. Then there's this poor widow that comes walking up to the offering plate and drops in her two coins. "What good is that compared to all of the money the religious leaders put in?" they may be wondering. Jesus points her out to them and says, "Fellas, she just gave more than all of those religious leaders." Scratching their heads trying to make sense of what Jesus said, he explains, "They gave from their surplus. She gave God all that she had." She put her total faith, her trust in God unlike the religious leaders. Do we?