GRINDIT podcast

Episode 176: Hebrews 2 Part 2 Who's Yo Daddy...God?

July 4th, 2022

We finish up chapter 2 discussing again that Jesus is better and far greater than the angels because of what he has done for us such as dying for us and making us holy by his blood. Because of his death we can now call God Father and He has adopted us into His family and we are called the children of God and we inherit God’s blessings. And because of Jesus conquering death when he came out of the tomb, we no longer have to fear death! If we have been washed in the blood of Jesus, we can take our last breath with a smile on our face and peace in our heart because we know what awaits us on the other side is so much better than what we have on earth! Do you have that peace in your heart or does dying scare you to death?!?! If you haven’t accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you should be scared! We are never promised tomorrow and we never know when death will come our way. Accept him today and et his peace fill your heart!