GRINDIT podcast

Episode 181: Hebrews 6 Part 1 Am I Useful or Useless?

July 21st, 2022

The author has laid the foundation that Jesus is better and that he is our High Priest and he tells his readers it is time to get off the milk and move on to the meat, the solid foods. Then he gives them a stern warning about turning away from God. These Jewish Christians were being persecuted to some degree and their faith was fading, they were going back to Judaism and the author warns them if they do this, if they leave Jesus, there is no coming back to repentance. He then gives an example of some fields who received rain. All the fields received the rain but only some of the fields produced crops and received God’s blessings. The ones that that received the rain and didn’t produce crops became overwhelmed with thorns and thistles and had to be burned by the farmer because it was useless. Are we USEFUL or USELESS?