GRINDIT podcast

Episode 198: Matthew 2 Joseph and Mary Get Rich!

September 19th, 2022

Matthew gives us a time frame when Jesus, the Messiah was born and then he introduces his readers to some men called Magi or wise men, who were astrologers and studied the stars. One star in particular has caught their attention and they follow it for about two years. By the time they arrive in Jerusalem, Jesus is a toddler and living in a house in Bethlehem. Herod the Great has a conversation with these wise men and feels threatened after learning there is a new king in town so he has all the male children, two years and younger, in and around Bethlehem killed thinking he would get rid of this threat to his throne. The only thing he didn’t consider was this is God’s son and God would protect him to accomplish His will! An angel warns Joseph several times as to what is going on and hey flee to Egypt then to Nazareth. Can anything good come from Nazareth? You better believe it!