GRINDIT podcast

Episode 203: Matthew 5 Part 1 Pass the Salt Please…

October 6th, 2022

Matthew starts off chapter 5 with what we call the “Sermon on the Mount.” Did you know he was talking to his hand-picked disciples and not the crowd? He starts the teachings off with what we call the Beatitudes which start off with “Blessed are those who…” which many translate as “Happy”. When we read the Beatitudes it seems weird that if we do those things Jesus mentions that we would be happy?!?!? But he is teaching them with heaven as the goal because when we get there, all with be well with our soul! Then he tells them they are the salt of the earth. How can twelve ordinary dudes be the salt of the earth when all they know is there little world in Galilee? Listen and find out but I’ll tell you this…we need to be salt, not ordinary.