GRINDIT podcast

Episode 230: Matthew 13 Part 3 When the Insignificant Becomes Significant

January 16th, 2023

Jesus tells the parable of the Mustard Seed. It’s such a small seed and it seems insignificant to many but it actually has many uses. But when planted in the ground, this tiny seed becomes a tall tree, roughly nine feet tall, stands out above everything in the field, and provides a place for birds to build their nests. The kingdom of God seems insignificant to many people and they don’t think anything about it but to many it is everything. Their world is focused, or centered, on Jesus. They allow him to work through them and they grow tall, standing out in order that others may see him; where others can choose to build their nest in him to find rest. We must allow Jesus to work in us so we can stand out, not for selfish reasons, but so others will be attracted to him; So they too, can build a home in him.