GRINDIT podcast

Episode 239: Matthew 15 Part 2 Five Second Rule and Jesus

February 16th, 2023

Jesus arrives to another region and is immediately met with a woman who was desperate but this is no ordinary woman. This woman was a Gentile so she had many things going against her. Gentiles weren’t very well liked by Jews and she was also a woman. In Jesus’ culture, women weren’t very respected, in fact they were treated much like shepherds. They weren’t even allowed to be a witness in court yet God used a woman to testify that His son was alive after the resurrection of Jesus. This Gentile woman was desperate because she knew Jesus could take care of her situation and this was her opportunity. She was not going to give up and go home when all she was given was silence and discouragement from Jesus and his disciples. When Jesus sees her faith, he was moved to action. You may find yourself crying out of God from a desperate place, it may seem like all you get from God is silence and that He doesn’t care, but if you will be persistent with your faith, God will come through, and He will meet your need.