GRINDIT podcast

Episode 243: Matthew 17 Part 1 Dads, Give Your Kids Affirmation

March 2nd, 2023

Jesus takes Peter, James, and John up on a mountain where they witness something amazing—the Transformation of Jesus. The word in the Greek means metamorphosis which is what we see when a caterpillar turns into a butterfly. Jesus’ face shines as bright as the sun and his clothes are a brilliant white. Peter, bless his heart, tries to interrupt what was happening but God the Father overshadows the three disciples with a cloud and tells them, “This is My dearly loved Son who brings me great joy. Listen to him.” God the Father could have scolded Peter but He shows grace but in doing so, He gives affirmation to Jesus. Fathers, our children need our affirmation! They need to know, they need to hear from us, that we love them and they bring us great joy! Dads…go talk to your kids!