GRINDIT podcast

Episode 245: Matthew 18 Part 1 Competitive Egos and Humility

March 9th, 2023

Men have huge egos and are very competitive. It was no different with the disciples! They were men who came from all kinds of backgrounds and occupations. The three that had special privileges, Peter, James, and John were commercial fishermen who competed in the fishing business to make a living and we’ll see this play out as they follow Jesus. They want to know “Who is the greatest person in the kingdom of heaven,” but they don’t realize they are looking at him face to face! Peter had been given the keys to the kingdom and two chapters later, James and John will come to Jesus with their mom and she asks if her two sons can sit in the places of honor in his kingdom. Jesus calls a child over and says, “Boys…yall need to be like this child and learn some humility.” It’s a great lesson for us today!