GRINDIT podcast

Episode 255: Matthew 22 Part 2 Man’s Wisdom Is Foolishness to God

April 13th, 2023

Throughout the rest of Matthew 22, the Pharisees and the Sadducees try to stump Jesus and prove to everyone that he is not the Messiah as he claims. They send in some disciples along with some of Herod’s men and they get shamed. The Sadducees ask about the resurrection when they don’t even believe there is a resurrection! Jesus made them look foolish in front of the crowds and they were astonished by his answer. Then the Pharisees bring an expert in religious law to Jesus thinking he was smarter than Jesus and he could get. The job done. Wrong! Jesus answers his question and then takes the answer one step further because he knew the Pharisees weren’t following that commandment! After this attempt, they finally learn their lesson that, no matter how much wisdom they think they have, it’s no match for God’s and from this point on, they don’t ask Jesus any more questions. When are we going to learn our lesson?