GRINDIT podcast

Episode 266: Matthew 28 Part 1 Uh Oh...He’s Alive!

May 22nd, 2023

The religious leaders, the chief priest, as well as some leading priests think they have silenced Jesus. They have seen him beaten beyond recognition, struggle to make it to the crucifixion, saw him nailed to the cross and put on public display with a sign that read, “This is the King of the Jews.” They saw him struggle to breath for six hours until he cried out in a loud voice and died. They know Joseph of Arimathea put him in a tomb so they had it sealed so Jesus’ disciples couldn’t steal the body. To their surprise, on the third day, an angel from heaven shows up, rolls the stone away, and announces to the women that came to visit the grave that Jesus is alive and that he is waiting for them in Galilee!