GRINDIT podcast

Episode 280: Romans 5 Part 2 Friends Again with God

July 10th, 2023

What a powerful chapter! What a powerful letter Paul has written to the church at Rome and God has blessed us with preserving the words he penned! In this podcast we learn that Jesus has made us friends again with God, that he has reconciled our relationship with the Father by shedding his blood for us, not because we are so good, not because we deserve it, not because we have our lives in order, no, but while we were enemies, while we were sinners! God has given us everything we need for salvation in his Son, Jesus! All we have to do is put our faith and trust in Jesus and we get to enjoy the blessings of heaven! We blew it in the Garden of Eden but God restored our relationship through Jesus and because of his sacrifice, we are made friends again with God! Hallelujah!!!