GRINDIT podcast

Episode 311: Mark 2 Part 2 Get Over It People!

November 3rd, 2023

Have you ever gotten in trouble for wearing a hat to the dinner table? Did someone smack it off your head and say something like this, “We don’t wear hats at the dinner table!” Why not? Who said? What’s the big deal about wearing a hat at the dinner table? The Pharisees were constantly challenging Jesus and his disciples with their beliefs…their traditions. They had their own interpretation of the law and they made them binding on the people which made it very difficult for the common person to serve God. There was very little grace and mercy. Jesus comes on the scene and says, “There’s an old way and a new way to serve God. It’s time y’all get with the new way and that only comes through me.” The Pharisees weren’t having it but if they wanted to be a part of the kingdom of God, they’d have to come around or be left out!