GRINDIT podcast

Episode 317: Mark 5 Part 2 Do Not Be Afraid

November 24th, 2023

Jairus’ 12 year old daughter was sick and was dying. He seeks out Jesus and asks him to come to his house and lay hands on her to heal her. In other words, Jesus was his hope. As they were going to Jairus’ house, there was an interruption…a woman with a hemorrhage for 12 years heard about Jesus and she makes a B-line to him. This interruption takes long enough that Jairus’ daughter dies but as soon as he receives the news, Jesus looks at him and says, “Do not be afraid…only believe.” In other words, don’t give up hope…I got this. Jesus goes to his house, grabs the girl by the hand, and tells her to getup. She immediately gets up and starts walking around as if nothing ever happened. Don’t wait until you are desperate to turn to Jesus…go to him now! Put your faith in him and trust him!