GRINDIT podcast

Episode 326: Mark 9 Part 1 Insert Foot In Mouth

January 21st, 2024

Have you ever been so caught up in something and it has your full attention and yet, you hear a weird noise or someone says something, and bam…the mood is gone. They have killed the moment and it has passed. That’s what happens when Peter, James, and John are watching Jesus being transformed right before their very eyes. He begins to glow a brilliant white and has a conversation with Elijah and Moses! What an awesome moment up until Peter opens his mouth and ruins the moment. A cloud overshadows them and God speaks to them from heaven. As they come down the mountain, Jesus tells them not to say word about what they saw until after he was raised from the dead. After seeing Elijah and Moses talking to Jesus, they get hung up on what Jesus said about raising from the dead. They couldn’t see the forest from the trees! What are some things God wants us to see yet we get hung up on the most trivial stuff?