GRINDIT podcast

Episode 360: James 3 Part 4 I Just Can't Figure God Out...

June 3rd, 2024

James tells his readers, "If you are wise and understand God's ways...prove it! We, as humans, have come a long way since the Tower of Babel. Not only did we try and build a tower to heaven, we have launch rockets into outer space! We are so wise and so smart...we even have "Smart" technology, but does this really make us wise? Do we really think we can understand God's ways? How can we find the wisdom James is speaking of, godly wisdom? How can we know God so we can also know His ways? We have to be in the word. It's all about a relationship with the risen Savior, spending time with him on a daily basis. We can actually be wise and know God's ways because He has revealed Himself in the flesh and dwelt among man....His name is Jesus. Get to know him!