GRINDIT podcast

Episode 376: Ephesians 1 Part 5 God’s Plan Is More Than Fire Insurance!

July 25th, 2024

God had a plan in place long before He created anything. That plan was to use His Son, Jesus, as a sacrifice to redeem fallen man—to reconcile us back to Him. He foreknew man would choose to sin and separate from Him, yet because of His great love for us, He took care of it by sending His Son to die on a cross, be buried for three days, and resurrected becoming victorious over death and the grave. He has sent an invitation to you to be a part of His plan...are you going to accept it? It’s way more deeper than fire insurance—we are given the Same Spirit, with the same power that raised Jesus from the dead! So if you are a part of God’s plan, why then do we act so helpless, so powerless? Recognize who you are in Christ and live like a child of the victorious Savior today!