GRINDIT podcast

Episode 382: Ephesians 2 Part 4 Jews and Gentiles Unite!

August 15th, 2024

God made a covenant with Abraham way back in Genesis 12 and he became the father of the Jews. A sign of that covenant was circumcision and God said if they chose not to be circumcised, then He wouldn’t have anything to do with them. Then there are the Gentiles who were completely outside of that covenant and were uncircumcised. Hostility would grow between these two groups of people and the roots would run deep for thousands of years. Then the church begins in Acts 2 and by the time we get to Acts 10, the Gentiles are now welcomed in the kingdom! Paul says in Ephesians 2, as well as other places, that Jesus shed his blood so that these two groups of people would be united into one and worship God together! Paul says the Gentiles are no longer outsiders but have been brought near, they are made alive in Christ, and through Jesus, have been given peace!