GRINDIT podcast

Episode 387: Ephesians 4 Part 1 Why Are My Prayers Not Answered?

September 2nd, 2024

Have you prayed and prayed and prayed only to get nothing but crickets from God? No matter how earnest you pray, all you seem to get from God is silence? A question people ask a lot is, “Why are my prayers not being answered?” It’s a great question because Jesus tells us to ask God for help and to bring our petitions before Him so He can answer them, but maybe you’re discouraged because you feel as though God doesn’t hear you or that He cares. He does both! He hears you and He cares!!! The reason your prayers may not be answered is because you aren’t walking in your calling! Paul discusses that here in chapter 4, that we are to walk worthy in the manner we are called. We are called to live different from the world and he gives four examples of how we should walk. If any one of them are out of line, not in the will of God, it could possibly hinder our prayers! How are you walking?