GRINDIT podcast

Episode 393: Ephesians 5 Part 1 Jesus Impersonator...

September 29th, 2024

We left Paul in chapter 4 listing a bunch of sins that need to stop happening in a believer’s life. He will continue this list in chapter 5 but sandwiched in between these lists is a command to “Imitate God.” In the Greek this means to mimic, to impersonate. How do we impersonate someone? We watch them, the mannerisms, how they talk and act, we study their lives and then we start to act like them. We may not be them but we act just like them and when people hear us and see us, they hear and see the person we are impersonating. But how can we impersonate a God we cannot see? We look at Jesus, Emmanuel, God with us. We study the life of Jesus and do what he did!