Be anxious for nothing, but pray about everything and tell God what you need. But doesn’t God already know what we need before we ask? That’s what Jesus said! So why pray? Because we can verbalize what we need, which is admitting, “God, I can’t do this (fill in the blank) on my own and I need you.” When we try to take control of things, we make a huge mess of it and it can cause all kinds of anxiety. We think it must be done yesterday and we have to have it NOW! But God doesn’t work on our time table, He isn’t bound by any time frame, but He does care about our needs and He wants to supply those needs and be glorified in our lives. God creates something from nothing so I’m sure He can provide whatever we need so quit worrying and put your faith in God!
GRINDIT podcast
Episode 413: Philippians 4 Part 2 Don’t Worry...Be Happy...
December 27th, 2024