GRINDIT podcast

Episode 426: Colossians 2 Part 3 Give God Permission!

February 11th, 2025

Paul uses a three letter word that is so powerful in his letter to the church at Colosse, “Let.” He says, “Let your roots grow down in him,” and “Let your lives be built on him.” In other words, we have to give God permission to work in our lives. He just doesn’t overwhelm us, overpower us and say, “I am God and I am going to do this in your life whether you like it or not!” No, we have to give Him permission. Every day, we have a choice, Am I going to continue to follow Jesus? Am I going to allow Jesus to work in my life? Am I going to get in the word and let my roots grow deep into Jesus so I can stand strong when storms come? Am I going to build my life on the immovable stone, Jesus, so when the strong waves come against me, I will be protected and able to stand strong? Give God permission to work in you and through you, and you will be amazed at what Jesus will do!