GRINDIT podcast

Episode 430: Colossians 3 Part 1 I Want To Be Seen

February 25th, 2025

People today want to be seen and they’ll do anything to be seen. They’ll sleep with whoever they need to, lie, cheat their way to the top, deceive and walk all over anybody to achieve their goal. They want to go viral, be known, because it’s all about them. Paul says we are hidden in Christ and will be revealed when Jesus comes back. But again, who wants to be hidden? We want to be seen! When we come to Christ, our sins are forgiven, our old, sinful nature is put to death and buried, however, Paul says there is sin that still lurks within us and we must continue to follow Jesus and crucify these desires. He lists sins of the flesh that we must continually put away and he reminds us that Christ is coming back and when he does, he is coming with a vengeance! Therefore, living for Jesus has to be the most important goal in our life, to become like him must be the goal. Anything else is idolatry, greed, and sin.