GRINDIT podcast

Episode 68: Acts 10 Part 1 Racism Is Nothing New

April 28th, 2021

Acts 10 is a game changer when it comes to the kingdom of God, then church. Up until this chapter the gospel has been preached mainly to the Jews but when persecution got so bad, the followers of Jesus fled Jerusalem for safety. As they fled to Judea, Samaria, and other places, they shared the gospel to the local Jews. In Acts 10 there is a divine appointment that takes place between a Roman officer, who is an uncircumcised Gentile, and the apostle Peter. Because of this meeting the gentiles are now welcomed to kingdom of God. However, just because God orchestrated this whole event and Peter witnessed what takes place, the Jews, including Peter, will have major issues when it comes to welcoming the Gentiles. It would be an issue for even the greatest of disciples, including Paul, for the rest of their ministry!