GRINDIT podcast

Episode 73: Acts 13 Part 1 Honoring Two Black Leaders

May 20th, 2021

Acts 13 is the start of Paul and Barnabas' missionary journeys. We know many "heroes" of faith from the Old and New Testament but in this chapter there are some hidden gems that need to be mentioned: Manaen, who was the childhood friend of Herod Antipus. Yes, the Herod Antipus that had Jesus crucified and John the Baptizer beheaded! He helped start the church in Antioch of Syria! Also, there are two other men mentioned: Lucius of Cyrene and Simeon called Niger (pronounced Ni-jer). Lucius means light skinned and Niger means the black one. By their names we can concur these two black men started this church in Antioch of Syria and the Lord blessed their efforts mightily! This church had grown so much that it rivaled the church in Jerusalem! With Racism being at the forefront in our country right now, I wanted to honor these men and give them the credit they deserve!