GRINDIT podcast

Episode 78: Acts 16 Part 1 Barnabas Fades To the Sunset

June 14th, 2021

Barnabas decides to take John Mark with him to revisit the churches he and Paul started on their first "Missionary Journey." As Barnabas rides off into the sunset Luke turns his attention to Paul and begins to now focus on his ministry. But before we turn loose of Barnabas, we can take a great lesson from him: Just because we don't hear from him again, he is just as important as Paul or any other apostle. Even though we don't have the details from his traveling, Barnabas did a great work for the kingdom of God and we can be encouraged by him. We don't have to be in a pulpit or in a place where all eyes are on us to be effective for the kingdom, we just have to be obedient to the will of God and use our talents for Him! We are introduced to a new worker named Timothy who gets circumcised and travels with Paul and Silas while on the local scene. This young man was introduced to the Lord by his grandmother and mother! So in this podcast I give a shout out to all the women who share their faith and work for God's kingdom! Thank you ladies!