GRINDIT podcast

Episode 80: Acts 16 Part 3 Women: Equality and Rights!

June 21st, 2021

Paul received the Macedonian Call from a dude in a vision. He told Silas that he felt like hey needed to hurry on to Macedonia to help spread the gospel there so they immediately headed that way. One would think that since Paul had the vision that there would be a huge crowd just waiting on them, eagerly waiting to hear the message about Jesus but what they find when they get there is crickets. They go to the river and meet some women there and in a conversation, Paul shares the gospel with a woman named Lydia. She and her friends are obedient to the message and she invites them over. Lydia was a business woman who was probably rich because she was a seller of purple which was very expensive. She is a great example for women today because she is a picture of what women say they want: equality and rights. Lydia was independent, owned a business, wealthy, and owned a house, and now her sins are forgiven and she has freedom in Christ! In fact, there are many women in the New Testament that show similar characteristics:

  1. Mary Magdalene was the first person to announce Jesus' resurrection,
  2. Luke records there were women among the number of disciples that had gathered in Jerusalem after the ascension of Jesus in Acts 1,
  3. Philip had daughters who prophesied,
  4. Priscilla and Aquila were a married couple but it was Priscilla who, many times, was the dominant character,
  5. Phoebe was called a deaconess,
  6. Chloe had a church that met in her house. Women, if you want equality and rights then you should turn to Jesus!