GRINDIT podcast

Episode 115: Luke 4 Part 2 Bless His Heart...

November 13th, 2021

In the South we have a saying, "Bless his/ her/ your heart." It's basically an expression of doubt. We feel like we can say anything we want about a person as long as we say, "Bless your heart..." Jesus get's the "Bless his heart" experience in his hometown. Jesus goes to the synagogue in his hometown of Nazareth to worship and was given a scroll to read. He opens the scroll and reads Isaiah 61:1-2. He tells the people that today this prophecy has been fulfilled before their very eyes. This is people who have seen him grow up as a child, friends and family that he has went to the synagogue with for thirty years to worship. Their immediate response is, "Isn't this Joseph's son?" In other words, "Bless his heart." They don't get it, they don't understand, they don't see that Jesus is God in the flesh, the very Messiah they had been taught about that is coming to redeem them. In fact, they try to kill him by forcing him to the edge of a cliff and wanted to push him off! When you have a vision, a dream, a passion and you share it with others, don't be discouraged if they don't share the same excitement that you have. They simply don't get it but don't let that hold you back from doing God's will that He has placed on your heart!