GRINDIT podcast

Episode 116: Luke 5 Part 1 Get Your Nets Dirty Again

November 18th, 2021

Peter was acquainted with Jesus. He had met him in the synagogue when Jesus visited Capernaum and had taught there. After casting out the demon that day Jesus with home with Peter and stayed at his house for a while. Jesus even healed Peter’s mother-in-law of a fever. People were bringing their sick friends and family to Peter’s house in hopes that Jesus would heal them. Jesus leaves Peter’s house and travels around Judea telling people about the kingdom of God but on this particular day Jesus chose to teach on the shore of the Sea of Galilee where Peter was washing his nets from fishing the night before. Jesus uses Peter’s boat to teach the people and after he finishes his teaching he asks Peter to launch out into the deep. He then tells him to cast his nets once again but Peter was reluctant because he had fished all night, didn’t catch anything, and he had already cleaned his nets. But he didn’t want to be disrespectful to Jesus so he cast his nets into the water. The rest is history. Do you ever feel lost in the crowd? God knows you, He knows everything about you, and God has a purpose for you. The question is, will you like Peter, be obedient and allow Him into your life?