GRINDIT podcast

Episode 124: Luke 8 Part 2 Parables Not Fables

December 21st, 2021

Jesus began to teach the crowds in parables. The first parable Jesus tells is about a farmer who sawed seed and prepared for a harvest. The seed fell on different places such as footpaths, the rocks, the thorns, and on good, fertile soil. The thing about the seed is that it was always useful, even on the footpaths because it became birdseed. Jesus interprets the parable for his disciples and he explains the different types of soil and what happened to the seed. He then tells a parable about a light and how people put their lamps on a stand so the light will illuminate the room. Light reveals and that is great because we can see obstacles that would harm us if it was dark…like a Lego we were about to step on! We need to be fertile soil that produces fruit and we need to shine our light in a dark world so people will be able to find hope!