GRINDIT podcast

Episode 125: Luke 8 Part 3 Fear Not, Trust Me

December 26th, 2021

In this last part of Luke 8 we see several examples of miracles such as Jesus calming the storm by speaking a few words when the disciples were scared out of their minds. When they got to the shore there was a naked man who came running up to the boat shrieking and making weird noises because he was full of demons. Jesus cast the demons out him into a herd of pigs and the shepherds take off running to town and tell the people what happened. The crowd comes out to see the naked man who is now fully clothed and he is sitting at the feet of Jesus completely sane. They freak out and ask Jesus to leave town! Then there is Jairus who’s 12 year old daughter is almost dead. He begs Jesus to come to his house and heal her but as they are on their way, a woman who has been bleeding for 12 years comes up from behind Jesus and touches the hem of is garment and was healed. Jesus has a conversation with the woman and as he is talking, some of Jairus’ friends show up and tell him that his daughter is dead. Jesus tells Jairus something that we all need to hear today, “Don’t be afraid.” In fact, it is a theme throughout these examples. Today, in the midst of Covid and all kinds of chaos, people are living in fear and Jesus is saying, “Fear not, trust me.” Do you?