GRINDIT podcast

Episode 126: Luke 9 Part 1 The Miracle Worker

December 30th, 2021

Have you ever wished you could walk into hospitals and lay hands on every person in it and heal them? Just bring so much joy to those who are suffering and to heal them from their pain? Maybe you, yourself, or a loved one has dealt with a life challenge and you would heal that situation. The fact is there is something greater than miracles…the Miracle Worker! Jesus! Jesus is who we should be focused on and not the miracles. Jesus gave the disciples the power and authority to work miracles and cast out demons but the reason he did so was to enable them to go into villages and tell the people about the Kingdom of God and as they told the message, they could back it up with evidence by working a miracle. God can and does still work miracles today but we need to look for the Miracle Worker instead of the miracle because if the miracle doesn’t happen, the Miracle Worker will still save us and bring us on home to be with him in heaven so either way, it’s a win-win!