GRINDIT podcast

Episode 136: Luke 12 Part 3 Using Jesus to Manipulate?

February 8th, 2022

As Jesus was talking to his disciples, there was a man who interrupted him. He said, “Jesus, my brother will not give me my part of the inheritance. Will you say something to him so he will?” The Bible is not a weapon for us to use to bully someone and get our way. When we can’t control or manipulate someone, the last thing we should do is try to use Jesus, or the bible, to get our way and that is what is going here. This guy in the crowd can’t get his way so he thought if Jesus told the brother to give his part of the estate to him, then the brother would surely listen to Jesus and do what is right! Right???!!! This is hardly ever the case. People that have hurt you or have sinned against you, they know what they did was wrong. No matter how many times you throw bible verses in their face, they aren’t going to listen and most likely will not apologize. This man was focusing on the wrong thing and that’s what Jesus wanted him to learn. Don’t focus on what others are doing or not doing, instead focus on what you, as a follower of Christ are doing or not doing. As we do that, we can ask God to take care of the situation as He sees fit!