GRINDIT podcast

Episode 154: Luke 17 Part 5 Start Walking Fellas

April 14th, 2022

On the way to Jerusalem to die for the sins of man, Jesus goes in a village on the border of Galilee and Samaria. As he passes through he hears some people yelling at him and asking him to have mercy on them. It was ten lepers and they wanted to be healed. They knew Jesus was a miracle worker and that he is their hope so they cry out to him. He doesn’t have a three week long bible study nor does he tell them, “OK, you’re healed.” He simply tells them, “Go show yourself to the priest,” which is what a person with leprosy had to do when the leprosy was gone so they could be pronounced “Clean” and could reenter society again. They didn’t receive their healing until after they started walking and the sad part of the story is only one came back to say “Thank You” and he was a Samaritan! It’s easy for us to run to God when times are hard, but don’t forget Him when your blessing comes and you’re walking on the mountain top! Always be thankful and never forget Jesus and what he has done for you and me.