GRINDIT podcast

Episode 155: Luke 18 Part 1 Prayer and the Persistent Widow

April 18th, 2022

Jesus talks to his disciples about prayer so he uses a story about a widow who wanted justice toward her enemy and an judge who didn’t fear God nor does he care anything about people. He keeps refusing to listen to the widow but she is persistent. Instead of giving up, she continues to nag the judge until finally he gives in and she gets justice. Jesus said the judge finally gave in because the widow was getting on his nerves. Then Jesus tells his disciples that God will surely give justice to his chosen people who cry out to him day and night. He asks, “Will he keep putting them off?” Then he answers, “I tell you, he will grant justice to them quickly!” Though it may not always seem like it, God knows what we are going through, and it may seem like He doesn’t care or He is nowhere around, but He is right by our side the whole time. Nothing catches God by surprise and He knows every tear that falls from our eyes. And if we are persistent like this widow and continue to ask God for help, He will come through in His time.