GRINDIT podcast

Episode 293: Romans 11 Part 1 Grace: Free and Undeserved

August 24th, 2023

Paul is explaining to the Jews that they can not obtain salvation by keeping the law and doing works to earn it. If they want a relationship with God and be a part of His kingdom, then they must have faith in their Messiah, Jesus because he has done what the law could not do—forgive sin. In this chapter, Paul gives a great definition of grace: God’s undeserved kindness. The Jews thought they deserved everything they received from God because of the covenant He made with Abraham but Paul tells them differently. God doesn’t owe you anything but because of His kindness, His grace,, He has chosen you. Do you know that God has chosen you? He has! He loves you and wants to have a relationship with you but in order to have one, we have to accept the sacrifice He has provided through His Son, Jesus.