GRINDIT podcast
We at GRINDIT want to encourage people to keep going, to keep grinding, when life gets hard. Quitting is not an option!
We found 9 episodes of GRINDIT podcast with the tag “grace”.
Episode 424: 1 Corinthians 1 Part 1 We Put the "Fun" In Dysfunctional
February 4th, 2025 | 31 mins 15 secs
authentic, corinthianize, corinthians, desire, division, flesh, grace, series, sermon, sin, sinner
Paul is addressing division in 1 Corinthians 1 but there is a much deeper issue!
Episode 355: James 2 Part 3 Dead Things Are Buried
May 13th, 2024 | 34 mins 54 secs
buried, bury, contradiction, dead, gift, grace, law, salvation, saved, works
Are we saved by grace and there is nothing to do on our part? Or is there something we have to do?
Episode 353: James 2 Part 1 Cliques In the Body of Christ?!?!
May 5th, 2024 | 40 mins 18 secs
clicks, clique, cliques, grace, love, mercy, poor, rich, unity
Rich, poor, Jew, Gentile...there shouldn't be any cliques in the body of Christ!
Episode 300: Romans 14 Can I Do Whatever I Want?
September 20th, 2023 | 57 mins 52 secs
block, food, grace, harmony, honor, mercy, stumbling, vessel, weak, weaker
Don't some grace and honor the Lord in all you do.
Episode 293: Romans 11 Part 1 Grace: Free and Undeserved
August 24th, 2023 | 35 mins 54 secs
chosen, gentiles, god, grace, jews, kind, kindness, law, relationship
God doesn’t owe you anything but because of His kindness, His grace,, He has chosen you.
Episode 24: John 8: "I Am"
September 18th, 2020 | 37 mins 14 secs
adultery, compassion, grace, love, mercy, stones, stoning, teaching, temple
Jesus continues to try to explain to people that he is the very Messiah they have been looking for but they just can't get past the idea that they know his family, and since they believe the Messiah will just show up, they don't believe him. And it comes to a boiling point at the end of the chapter as Jesus says two words, "I AM", and they pick up stones to stone him to death. But before the dialogue Jesus displays what we we as christians are to be about as he shows grace and mercy to a woman caught in adultery.
Episode 19: John 5 Part Two: Jesus and the Religious Leaders
August 28th, 2020 | 30 mins 59 secs
compassion, grace, jesus, love, mercy
Jesus tells the religious leaders he is from the Father and is doing the Father's Will. And not only that he gives several witnesses to back up his claim!
Episode 16: John 4 Part Three
August 21st, 2020 | 29 mins 1 sec
discriminate, government, grace, mercy, official
We finish up John 4 by looking at a government official who was desperate to find Jesus because his son was dying from a fever.
Episode 15: John 4 Part Two
August 20th, 2020 | 29 mins 44 secs
grace, mercy, samaritan, water pot, woman
A Continuation of the Samaritan woman and Jesus